SEO Trends 2024: Keep Up With the Future of Digital Marketing

With the rise of AI-generated content and some major search engine algorithm updates, it’s more important than ever to keep your marketing strategy agile and competitive if you’re going to place high on the SERPs. SEO trends in 2024 and beyond will be more than just link-building and keyword research; you’ll have to keep up with rapid advancements in AI tools like ChatGPT and create even more interactive content across multiple platforms and social media pages.

Sound like a lot? Don’t panic – we can break down the future of search engine optimization for you so you can keep your conversions high and your web pages on the first page of the SERPs — no matter what year it is.

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Inbound vs Outbound Marketing: Know When (and How) to Use Each

Inbound, outbound, all around you hear these terms, but what exactly do they mean? What’s the difference between inbound vs. outbound marketing? And how does knowing all this marketing jargon help you reach your potential customers?

We get it; it can be challenging to keep up with different marketing techniques. But – and we hate to break this to you, bud – it’s essential if you want to build brand awareness and boost your lead generation.

Don’t worry though, learning the difference between these marketing approaches doesn’t have to be too painful, we promise.

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Start Here: Email Marketing for Beginners

One of the oldest forms of digital marketing, email marketing, is still just as effective as it was many years ago. In fact, it has become even more effective in recent years following the dreaded events of 2020. With people spending more time at home, ecommerce businesses have returned to email marketing – and have seen great success.

Email marketing is an excellent method for promotion, lead generation, brand awareness, and sales — all while staying cost-effective.

But how do businesses use email content to get conversions? Emails often include promotional material, coupons, content offers, etc. that can lead to a sale — and it often does! Email marketing campaigns have one of the highest average return on investment (ROI) of any digital marketing strategy.

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Is Social Media Advertising a Good Idea For You?

There’s just no escaping it; social media is a massive part of modern culture. With the growth of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIn, and YouTube, among many others, came the growth of social media marketing. As time has gone on, social media users have begun to look to their favorite platforms to form their opinions on brands and products. Because of this, social media advertising is a massive part of ecommerce and digital marketing strategy. So, are social media adverts the right move for your business? Before we decide that, let’s cover the basics.

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SEO vs. Pay-Per-Click: Knowing the Difference and Which to Choose

If you’re new to digital marketing, you may not be sure if you should use SEO or PPC ads to boost your conversion rates. Heck, if you’re really new, just knowing the difference between SEO vs Pay-Per-Click may be a struggle.

Understanding both and knowing when and why to use them is critical to search engine marketing (SEM) success. But if you’re panicking because you don’t know how to use PPC or what these terms even mean, don’t. We can break it down to the essentials without any time-consuming jargon.

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Your Start to Community Management

Welcome, social media enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered how your favorite social media pages, like those of certain businesses or influencers, stay so lively and engaging?

Well, it’s all thanks to something called community management. If you’re eager to learn how to build and nurture online communities, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s dive in together and explore the exciting world of social media community management so you can develop your very own community management strategy.

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The Benefits of Blogging for Business — and How to Get Started

Blogging is a powerful tool in content marketing strategy, providing a range of benefits that can significantly impact your business’s bottom line. But for those who are less confident in their writing skills, it’s often a digital marketing strategy that gets put on the back burner. 

But no more! Whether you’re a new business starting out or an older business ready to try your hand with online marketing, it’s worth trying to see how your website visitor numbers rise. You’re here reading this blog right now, aren’t you? Point: Lift Marketing.

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Revealing SEO Secret Treasures: A Guide to SEO Strategy for Entry-Level Marketers and Startups

Greetings, fellow masters of marketing! Now that you’ve dabbled in the wide world of digital marketing, you’re prepared to take on the formidable beast that is SEO. Don’t worry; we’re here to help you navigate the perilous world of implementing search engine optimization into your marketing strategy. Gather your digital machetes, and let’s go on this audacious journey together to tackle your search engine rankings and nail down your SEO strategy.

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Creating a Social Media Calendar: Master Your Content Marketing Strategy

If your small business isn’t on social media, it’s virtually invisible. You know this.

But managing social posts across different networks can be overwhelming — especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Remembering where and when to post which type of content and keeping a regular posting frequency, all while juggling your regular business operations can be enough to make you want to unplug completely and just give up on your social media presence.

Before you go off the grid, let us teach you how to simplify your social media marketing strategy with one simple tool: a content calendar.

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